Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Craft Brewers Conference 2011

My timing to arrive to San Francisco was excellent as there was Craft Brewers Conference going at the same time. I happened to notice post from Darren, writer of BeerSweden.com, that he was packing his suitcase for travel and was going to be at the conference. At the moment I did not know about the event but quickly made up my mind to be there also. Darren's blog is one of my favorite beer blogs, done with bit lighter touch than beer blogs usually are. Quite fun to check his videos even if you're not hardcore beer fan.

I met Darren for pints at the City Beer. Location is mixed beer store / bar. They have impressive amount of quality beers on the shelf and also couple seats if you wish to enjoy beers you find from the store. My choice to start the day was quite famous one:

132. Russian river - Pliny the Elder (fresh stuff, they recommend that you would drink this as soon as possible, mine was bottled 2 weeks before opening)

Good start for rainy day and I had bit time before Darren was arriving so I went to search some imperial stouts from the shelf even that I knew it could lead to trouble. I was counting on Darren that he would share some of these high alcohol beers with me so I wouldn't have to empty all of these.

133. Great Divide - Oak Aged Yeti (great)
134. Russian River - Temptation (wow!)
135. Cascade Brewing - Cascade Kriek Ale
136. Moonlight - Reality Check

Darren helped me to empty bottles so I guess I owe him bit advertising, check the blog www.beersweden.com (it is in English so don't worry about the name)

During conference I met quite a few brewers from all over the world. It seemed to be good choice to wear Cantillon t-shirt, many of the brewers seemed to be very interested to hear about methods the use at the Brussels brewery. I got good tips for home brewing and of course good tips where to visit during my time in US.

The most popular place for brewers to gather up was Toronado. This place has at least 45 chancing craft brew taps. They are also known from their service that you can't describe kind or helpful. This place has some character.

137. Russian River - Benediction
138. Ballast Point - Yellowtail Pale Ale
139. Drakes - Hypocalypse
140. Firehouse - Hops on Rye
141. Magnolia - Billy Sunday Bitter
142. Firestone - DBA
143. Ninkasi - Tricerahops IPA

And then possibly the beer of the journey. Recommended by Darren, I bought this 40 usd bottle of beer. Outstanding sour beer. One of the best I ever had. When I ordered this beer I suddenly had dozens of new friends! Ladies and gentlemen: The Cable Car!

144. The Lost abbey - Cable Car Ale (outstanding, possibly the best sour)
145. Moonlight - Twist of Fate
146. Russian River - CBC Sour Brown
147. New Belgium - Apple Love
148. Lagunitas - Fusion
149. Deschutes - Hop Henge
150. Deschutes - XXII Aged Blend (oh my!)
151. New Belgium - Blackberry Love
152. Moonlight - Death & Taxes
153. Moonlight - Saaz Hop Reality Czeck

Thanks for all the brewers, it was facinating to meet meet you. Special thanks to Eric, Kyle, Christy, Nola, Sarah and mrs. Pekkarinen (Parin) even that your grandpa had changed you're name to more easy one for English speakers.

Couple other brewpubs also visited, Beach Chalet was nice on a sunny day but the taste and the price was not on correct level at all. Rogue Ale House was quality pub like Rogue's places always are.

154. Beach Chalet - DBA
155. Rogue - St. Rogue Dry Hop Red
156. Rogue - Juniper Pale Ale
157. Rogue - Chatoe Rogue Oregasmic Ale
158. Rogue - Chocolate Stout
159. Rogue - sig's Northwestern Red Ale
160. Rogue - Mogul Madness
161. North Coast Brewing - Schrimshaw Pilsner
162. Lagunitas - Hairy Eyeball


  1. Dude. This trip's notes is just making me more and more thristy.

  2. Me too. I had difficulties on the road at some point but now I'm thirsty again!
