Monday, April 4, 2011


Everybody seemed to know one thing in English: whereyoufrom. That was conversation starter from hustlers, beggars, prostitutes and salesmen. You hear those words dozen time a day and it seemed that it you are alone, you will be surrounded by hustlers in no time. Florian who was travelling alone seemed to be genuinely happy to have other travellers as company as prostitutes could be quite a harassment for lonely traveller.

To get it more peace me and Sanna headed to countryside for some beautiful scenery and relaxment. Biking in ViƱales valleys in middle of worlds best cigar fields and then hiking in Trinidad and swimming at stunning place at the foot of a waterfall.

On countryside time seemed to be flexible as it took several days until we noticed that we had been hour late from everything agreed as we didn't know that clocks has been changed during our stay.

At Remedios we found one fabulous beach, almost untouched and we were only ones on the whole beach for whole morning. At afternoon group of Cubans arrived and explained that area was out of bounds for Cubans so that's why it was so quiet. One of them actually wanted to take some pictures of him so he could show to his friends where he had been.

Oh, we also managed to get couple old friends back in touch as Jorge, our host in Havana and Lester, our host in Remedios had been in school together but now trough us heard about each other first time in years.

1 comment:

  1. Awww I miss Cuba. I think I even miss the hustlers. And the beach... altought we've got a bit of sunshine here in Finland too. Of course the temperatures are a bit lower. Got so exited I'm going to break my own rules and post a few pics in Facebook :)
