Wednesday, June 29, 2011

After ski

Vancouver was good place to go out and Henry was the right person to do it with. Most important thing was that this guy likes good beer (G.I. Hefeweizen) and bad beer (Mickey's) and on top of that he was able to find couple good and kind of good parties.

90s party was quite challenging with music like Vengaboys - Boom Boom Boom. However it helped to meet lot's of fun folks there and I even found Home Improvement Tim & Al lookalikes (fits nicely to 90s theme).

Between the parties I managed to do bit of sightseeing as well and visited Whistler and saw some breathtaking views (at least it could have been if it wasn't so darn foggy).

After Whistler I headed for a night out that was much better music wise than previous one. Starting out at The Venue with The Globes and The Two Door Cinema Club. I tell you, The Globes drummer was insanely good! And the the main act, they were excellent just like you could imagine. After gig we headed to some student party close by. After ski theme with old neon ski outfits and, of course, beer pong table. We need a new rule: Every pub should have a beer pong table!

Oh yes, something about beer also.

260. Russel - Cream Ale
261. Alexander Keith - IPA
262. Brewhouse - Big Wold Bitter
263. Vancouver Island - Piper's Pale Ale
264. Lighthouse - Beacon IPA
265. Driftwood - Ale

I headed also to Victoria, sleepy city after Vancouver but home of one excellent brew pub: Spinnakers. While sitting at bar, the bartender noticed that we had some prestigious company. Head of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company was sitting at the other side of the bar.

266. Kolsch with Lemon Zest (cask)
267. ESB
268. North West Ale
269. Original Pale Ale
270. India Pale Ale
271. Nut Brown Ale
272. Blue Bridge Double Ale
273. Hopworks - Stout

Visited also Canoe for couple before heading back to Vancouver
274. Canoe - River Rock Bitter
275. Yukon Brewing - Yukon Red

Cozy way to finish North American tour was by watching some play off hockey at dear friend Derek's place. Your girl is a great cook! Thank you Elisa, Henry and Derek for great times! Love you all!

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